Student Success Logo


SSP Pilot Schools

Student Success Planning does away with the one-size-fits-all model of education and intentionally addresses every child's comprehensive and personalized needs - in order to truly prepare all Hamilton County students for a bright future

An individualized plan for every child is the cornerstone of Student Success Planning. The plan is created by a school counselor or social worker in partnership with the student's classroom teacher; they assess the child's strengths and needs across four domains - academic, family, health, and social/emotional/behavioral - and then continuously work with families to match students to in and out-of-school services that leverage each child's unique strengths and individual needs.


Total number of K-9 Hamilton County Students served in the Success Planning pilot in 2020-2021.

"Conceptually, the plans represent our commitment to meet all children where they are and give them what they need, inside of school and out, to be successful."
-Dr. Saeyun D. Lee


  • Capture students' comprehensive in-school and out-of-school strengths, interests, and needs.
  • Intentionally match each student with tailored supports, services, and opportunities.
  • Seamlessly coordinate a web of education and community resources to provide equitable opportunities for all students.

Harvard Graduate School of Education By All Means Logo

Student Success Planning is supported by the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Ed Redesign Lab and its By All Means initiative. The anchor of this community-wide initiative is Hamilton County's Children's Cabinet, convened by Mayor Jim Coppinger & Superintendent Dr. Bryan Johnson.

By All Means Consortium

Hamilton County joins partner districts across the nation in tackling the coordination between the school system, municipal services, and non-profit partners. This work would not be possible without county mayor Jim Coppinger, leaders of local funding agencies and non-profits, and guidance from Chattanooga 2.0’s Executive Director, Molly Blankenship.


We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the Smart City Venture Fund. Student Success Planning in Hamilton County Schools would not be possible without this bold, and forward-thinking group of funders.