Elementary Schools

Elementary school begins a child’s journey of knowledge that will  prepare theElementary School Student young learner for success in life. Day one walking into an elementary school begins the first day in preparation for graduation and the quality of life a child will be prepared to enjoy as an adult. Hamilton County Schools has 41 elementary schools with grades kindergarten through fifth-grade in excellent traditional schools and theme focused magnet schools.
Join us and get your child’s learning journey off to a great start in Hamilton County Schools!

Explore Our Elementary Schools!

 Allen Elementary School  423-843-4713
 Alpine Crest Elementary School   423-874-1921
 Apison Elementary School  423-498-6895
 Barger Academy of Fine Arts  423-493-0348
 Battle Academy for Teaching and Learning  423-498-6860
 Brown Academy  423-498-6870
 Bess T. Shepherd Elementary School  423-855-2611
 Big Ridge Elementary School  423-843-4793
 Calvin Donaldson Elementary  423-825-7337
 Chattanooga Charter School of Excellence  423-777-4603
 Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences - K-12  423-498-6845
 Chattanooga School for the Liberal Arts  423-855-2614
 Clifton Hills Elementary School  423-493-0357
 Daisy Elementary School  423-332-8815
 DuPont Elementary School  423-870-0615
 East Brainerd Elementary School  423-855-2600
 East Lake Elementary School  423-493-0366
 East Ridge Elementary School  423-493-9296
 East Side Elementary School  423-493-7780
 Hardy Elementary  423-493-0300
 Harrison Elementary School  423-344-1428
 HC Virtual School  423-498-6750
 Hixson Elementary School  423-870-0621
 Lookout Mountain Elementary School  423-821-6116
 Lookout Valley Elementary School  423-825-7370
 McConnell Elementary School  423-843-4704
 Middle Valley Elementary School  423-843-4700
 Montessori Elementary at Highland Park  423-664-5735
 Nolan Elementary School  423-886-0898
 North Hamilton County Elementary  423-332-8848
 Normal Park Museum Magnet  423-498-6880
 Ooltewah Elementary School  423-498-6900
 Orchard Knob Elementary School  423-493-0385
 Red Bank Elementary School  423-874-1917
 Rivermont Elementary School  423-870-0610
 Skillern Elementary at Ivy Academy  423-305-7494
 Snow Hill Elementary School  423-344-1456
 Soddy Elementary School  423-332-8823
 Spring Creek Elementary School  423-855-6138
 Thrasher Elementary School  423-886-0882
 Wallace A. Smith Elementary School  423-344-1425
 Westview Elementary School  423-855-6141
 Wolftever Creek Elementary School  423-933-3671
 Woodmore Elementary School  423-493-0394