Attendance Matters

Student presence is powerful! Daily attendance in school is a key contributor to student success. Consistent attendance provides access to a continuum of high-quality, comprehensive learning.  

Chronic absenteeism
is defined as a student missing 10% or more (18 days) of the school year for any reason, such as an illness, family issues or disciplinary actions including excused, unexcused, and suspension days.

Did you know? 

  • Absences can quickly add up. Missing just 2 days per month means students will have chronic absenteeism by the end of the school year.
  • Missing school especially in early grades can lead to long-term effects on student learning and connection.
  • Chronic absenteeism can have a negative impact on academic performance, especially in math and reading skills.
    • When younger children miss these important skills, it widens the opportunity gap and makes catching up harder.
    • Middle school students have difficulty maintaining academic achievement.
    • High school graduation rates decrease. 
  HCS Commitments    
Hamilton County Schools is dedicated to ensuring that every student thrives and experiences a future without limits through these shared commitments with our students, families, staff, and community. Regular daily attendance helps students build connections that foster a sense of belonging and ensures your student receives consistent, high-quality instruction to develop reading, writing and thinking skills, ensure academic growth and strengthen early literacy. 

Tips for Families 

  • Establish Daily Routines-Consistent daily routines help students learn new skills, promote independence and self-regulation, boosts confidence and builds strong social and emotional skills, and reduces power struggles with adults. 

  • Support Student Progress- Read and review communications from your child's teacher and school to stay updated on individual student progress as well as class and school events.  Attend parent-teacher conferences and schedule them as needed to collaboratively plan for student success. 

  •  Monitor student attendance and grades with PowerSchool- PowerSchool offers a central access point for student information where families can actively participate in their child's educational journey. 

  •  Connect with Community Resources - Attendance may be impacted by many factors. Our schools and community offer resources that support the positive growth and development of the whole child. Students have access to health services, recreational activities, educational, behavioral, social, emotional supports and more.  

Printable Resources

HCS 2024-2025 School Calendar: English  Spanish
Elementary Attendance Tips
Middle & High School Attendance Tips

We value families as our partners to support student success. If you have a question or need additional support with student attendance, please reach out to the HCS Family Connection Center.