HS Drill and Color Guard Team


The Drill Team

The Drill teaches precision, discipline, and leadership to the cadets involved. Our drill team consists of several teams under a number of categories either at the squad or platoon level. Platoons contain a formation of 12 cadets plus the commander, a total of 13. Squads contain usually up to 10 people, but can have as few as 7 people. These different formations compete in the following events at each drill competition.


Regulation Drill is where the cadets on each team march around in a given area executing a set list of commands. It involves the armed and unarmed categories. The armed formations use demilitarized weapons and execute various movements while marching. The unarmed formations do not use weapons. Drill team consists of the following:

Inspection Team

Platoon IDR

Squad IDR


Exhibition Drill consists of the cadets doing whatever they like in a given area executing various movements with demilitarized weapons. They may do anything as long as it is in a militaristic manner. This consists of throwing, spinning and exchanging the weapons throughout a 6-9 minute performance.  Exhibition normally consists of the following:

Platoon Exhibition

Squad Exhibition

Dual Exhibition

Individual Exhibition

Color Guard

The Color Guard is very active in the community.  In addition to providing Color Guards for school athletic events, it also provides honors for many prestigious non-school functions around the community. A Color Guard generally consists of a State Flag, an American Flag, as well as, two rifles.

Drill Team/Color Guard 2018-19



My name is Jason Clark, and I’m the drill team/color guard coach.   

Competition this Year:  We are set for participating, in three weekend competitions, three after school County competitions, and hosting the 1st Annual Pot-lickers Invitational.  This year’s events consist of the following:

  1. 1 Dec 18 Red Bank High School Drill Meet (Red Bank, TN)
  2. 19 Jan 19 Sale Creek High School Drill Meet (Sale Creek, TN)
  3. 13 Feb 19 University Tennessee Drill Meet (Chattanooga, TN)
  4. 2 Mar 19 Warren County High School Drill Meet (McMinville, TN)
  5. Inner-Hamilton County Meets: (Thursday)

-7 Feb 19: Individual, Dual & Squad Exhibition (RBHS)

-14 Feb 19: IDR Squad (ERHS)

-21 Feb 19: IDR Platoon, Knockout & Ceremony (SDHS)

Costs:  Team registration fees are $30. Please pay them to me, as soon as possible. Checks should be made out to Sale Creek High School. This money helps to offset the costs of team registration, at our weekend competitions. They may also want to bring additional money for T-shirts or additional stops, along the way.

Practices:  Practices this year are on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, from 2:30 to 4:30. Team Captains will determine who will compete, in each competition, depending on practices, dedication and effort. There are no set alternates this year. Different comps have different rules for rotating team members, but we will put our best, in each event.

Transportation: The drill meets are all local and will require transportation for your cadet.  For those without a driver, I will need several parents who can drive. They will have to be cleared through the SRO and Principle. Ideally, each parent could chaperone a competition, and help look out for our cadet’s general welfare, and providing support, where needed. Please volunteer where you’re able.







Please fill out the following and return this to me ASAP.

I am willing to drive, chaperone, and support the team at the following competitions:

                                *Please check all that you could attend*

5.            Inner-Hamilton County Meets: (Thursday)

_______7 Feb 19: Individual, Dual & Squad Exhibition (RBHS)

_______14 Feb 19: IDR Squad (ERHS)

_______21 Feb 19: IDR Platoon, Knockout & Ceremony (SDHS)

Away Competitions:

_______1 Dec 18 Red Bank High School Drill Meet (Red Bank, TN)

_______19 Jan 19 Sale Creek High School Drill Meet (Sale Creek, TN)

_______13 Feb 19 East Ridge High School Drill Meet (East Ridge, TN)

_______2 Mar 19 Warren County High School Drill Meet (McMinville, TN)


_____ Physical Done       OR        _____ Physical Scheduled (date) __________     


Parent Signature   ___________________________________


Parent Printed Name _________________________________


Parent Phone #   ____________________________________ (for emergencies)


Parent Email   ______________________________________ (for info as I get it)


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